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Starting New Theatre Company

As some of you know, I have been batting around the idea for some time now of starting my own theatre company. To be honest, it’s mostly because I’m selfish and want to do theatre my way. A lot of the theatre companies I’ve dealt with lately are unwilling or unable to do new things, try new works, support new playwrights or take risks. Yes, I’m selfish. I’m a writer who would like to see my works on the stage, but I’m also a director who would like to stage things no one else is doing and I’m an actor who would like to be cast in roles I find interesting. See, I told you I was selfish.

Misa and I had initially thought about buying or renting a place where we could have our own little theatre but we were unable to come up with a location that fit within our budget or was in a place that would attract an audience. So we got the idea to be a homeless theatre company based centrally around the Cranberry area. As such, we have named our new endeavor, Driftwood Dramatics.

We have been working for about a month now to identify possible venues for our first production and have narrowed it down to a couple.

The new Company has a website - There's not a lot there yet; it's still a work in progress.

And what will our first production be, you ask? Imaginary Exits, of course. We're looking to have it up sometime in April if things go as planned. We know you're all dying to come out and see it.

More Shakespeare

I will be appearing in Hobnob Theatre's production of A Midsummer's Night Dream as Nick Bottom. We will be doing it at Preston Park in Butler in various locations, or so I'm told. The idea is to have different sets at different locations and the audience follows along as the play progresses. Sounds interesting. I have no idea how this is going to work but I am always game for an adventure.


Monty Python's Spamalot

Well, I'm way remiss in posting this, but I am appearing in Comtra Theatre's current production of Spamalot as Sir Robin, and others.

The show is running for two more weekends until November 9th. If you're interested in seeing it, you can get more information and make reservations at